What is true love?


            encompasses a limit of strong and emotional and mental state. It is the state when you fell connected, attached and happy with someone. Love a place where you find peace and pleasure. Two people meet each other for the conversation between them about their own expectation and desires. When they come near they talk about their mind and love each other with trust acceptance and support. This is a kind of respect for someone who is very special to you.

                 So that this loving person desires respect because she/he belongs in a loving manner in your view. True love means we feel some amazing feeling of partner presence or behaviors. When she /he smiles you also smile without knowing the reason, fell happy.when you are unhappy, then you only need this special personal touch. In my view, she/he is the remedy of your all illness. True love means you will see everything good in your partner. If your partner makes some mistake you easily forget them. It means support to each other in all situations. True love can not hurt you anymore because of your little injury made him a big hit. When a true love knew that you are happy without him/her it's not taking a minute to free you. Love means not a force or bound, it always needs the only lover's happiness and for it whatever could be done.
                    Your smiling face is the only desire for true love. It can tolerate all thing of the world, whatever it is! Not tolerate only your tears or sadness.
       True love is God's best gift of anyone life. So, when you find your true love partner save him/her in your inner soul because of remembering the memories of your partner forever.


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